Tuesday, February 24, 2015

[Music] A Modern Love Story -- Julian Cheung and Maple Hui

Julian Cheung and Maple Hui (2011)

1. A Modern Love Story ("現代愛情故事") is the debut and breakout song for both Julian Cheung and Maple Hui and it came out in 1991

According to Wikipedia ("Julian Cheung"):

"Cheung then recorded his first sing, a duet album with Hong Kong singer Maple Hui (許秋怡). The debut single, 'A Modern Love Story', was released by the record company Fitto in 1991 and was an immense success. This single was on IFPI Album Sales Chart for 11 weeks, and as of today still holds the IFPI record for newcomer singers."

2. Julian Cheung comes from an artistic family on his mother's side; his maternal grandfather and uncle were actors.

Cheung's parents divorced while he was in his teens and he immigrated with his father to Australia when he was 15.

He did part of his secondary school in Australia and is an Australian citizen.

Cheung came back to Hong Kong in 1990 when he was 19 and released his debut album the following year.

The debut album, also called A Modern Love Story ("現代愛情故事"), was an immediate success.

It is notable that both Julian Cheung's mother and wife are winners of beauty pageant.

Julian's mother is the winner of the 1962 Hong Kong Miss Exhibition Pageant and his wife Anita Yuen is the winner of the 1990 Miss Hong Kong Pageant.

Many people commented in YouTube that Julian Cheung looks the same today as he was 20 years ago and some were very jealous of him.

I find Julian Cheung to be a competent singer and actor and generally enjoy his performances.

3. Julian Cheung and Maple Hui on TV in 1992:


4. Julian Cheung and Maple Hui in concert in 2011:


This was their first reunion in nearly 20 years.

5. Music videos of A Modern Love Story:




6. Maple Hui and her husband Jimmy Wong:


7. The music and lyrics:


This duet seems to be still quite popular as judge from the number of covers in YouTube.

8. The Lyrics in Traditional Chinese:

現代愛情故事 -- 張智霖 & 許秋怡

* (女) 別離沒有對錯   要走也解釋不多
現代說永遠已經很傻   隨著那一宵去火花已消逝

# (男) 情盡時就要放過   我怎會想穿心窩
若是厭棄了再不蹉跎   如共你分開應有機會再愛一個

@ (合) 你我情如路半經過   深知道再愛痛苦必多
願你可輕輕鬆鬆放低我   剩了些開心的追憶送走我
離別時笑笑明晨剩我一個   瀟灑裡也會記起當初

& (女) 若你的心中孤單再找我
(男) 若你的心窩中空虛再找我
(合) 不必痛苦當憶起我

Repeat *, #, @, &, @, &

9. The Lyrics in Simplified Chinese:

现代爱情故事 -- 张智霖 & 许秋怡

* (女) 别离没有对错   要走也解释不多
现代说永远已经很傻   随着那一宵去火花已消逝

# (男) 情尽时就要放过   我怎会想穿心窝
若是厌弃了再不蹉跎   如共你分开应有机会再爱一个

@ (合) 你我情如路半经过   深知道再爱痛苦必多
愿你可轻轻松松放低我   剩了些开心的追忆送走我
离别时笑笑明晨剩我一个   潇洒里也会记起当初

& (女) 若你的心中孤单再找我
(男) 若你的心窝中空虚再找我
(合) 不必痛苦当忆起我

Repeat *, #, @, &, @, &

10. Names, Words and Phrases:

Anita Yuen (Traditional Chinese: 袁詠儀; Simplified Chinese: 袁咏仪).

Jimmy Wong (Traditional: 王書麒; Simplified: 王书麒).

Julian Cheung Chi-Lam (Traditional: 張智霖; Simplified: 张智霖).

Maple Hui (Traditional: 許秋怡; Simplified: 许秋怡).

Miss Exhibition Pageant (Traditional: 工展小姐選舉; Simplified: 工展小姐选举).

Miss Hong Kong Pageant (Traditional: 香港小姐競選; Simplified: 香港小姐竞选).


"Julian Cheung", Wikipedia - The Free Encyclopedia,
(accessed 2015-02-24).

"張智霖", Wikipedia - The Free Encyclopedia,
(accessed 2015-02-24).

"許秋怡", Wikipedia - The Free Encyclopedia,
(accessed 2015-02-24).


Monday, February 16, 2015

[Opinion] In Praise of Quality

A Bankers Box

I have moved four times during the last 10 years.

The fourth time being just earlier this month (February, 2015).

I noticed during the moving that I still have all 5 bankers boxes I bought in the early 1980s when I was in University.

(These bankers boxes came in a pack of fives.)

Discounting the usual wear and tear, they are all in good working conditions.

In this day and age when many things are make as disposable, I appreciate the quality with which these bankers boxes are made.

At the going rate they may well last to my last move, whenever that might be. : - )
